
Managing director
Mgr. Zdeněk Raiser
Tel.: +420 739 479 393
E-mail: raiser@seznam.cz
Tripitaka, z.s.
Sekaninova 36
Prague 2
128 00
Czech Republic

Mission :
Education - Social work - Art
Social benefit projects

About Tripitaka, o.s. (civic society organization)

  • Tripitaka has been established 23. 7. 2009
  • Approx. 10 employees
  • Balanced budget, approx. 4 mil. CZK per year
  • Funding: ESF, grants
  • Target groups: young people leaving institutional care, single mothers, Romas a minorities
  • It has secured jobs for more than 90 clients
  • Produced 15 theater plays, 8 street festivals, number of minor projects


First Success

Project partner: The centre of experimental theater Brno
Funding: ESF
Duration: 2 years, 2011-2012
30 clients

Target group

  • Young people growing up with no family, leaving institutional care - Oorphanages, SOS villages, reformatories
  • Often living in so called Halfway Houses
  • Suffering by lack of family support, missing orientation of working and living orientation
  • Personal debts
  • Low self-esteem
  • Searching for identity

Theater plays in the project

Paso and Paso – The path of the injured warrior
Retrospective play
Clients stories, dream jobs all mixed with old classic theater roles (Who am I? Am I Lucas? Am I Hamlet? Am I cook?)
Mirror in my room
Clients dreams and lives in 10 years

Client activities

Temporary job for 6 months as a theatre actor/actress
Labour market workshop – how to search for a job
Social consultation
Individual couching – interview skills
Individual psychologic advisory
Balance diagnostic
Soft skills - assesment centres, interviews


Project partner: Pomezí, o.s.
ESF funding
Duration: 2 years, 2012-2014

Project goal: Project creates 24 jobs on 0.6 FTE employeed in newly created social-cultural centre Renome opened for public

Target Group

Young people (16-26 y.o.) growing without parents, leaving institutional care - Oorphanages, SOS villages, reformatories 3 rounds of project, 8 clients per round hired on working contract as employees of social- cultural centre Renomé

Project activities

  • Project creates 24 jobs on 0.6 FTE employeed in newly created social-cultural centre Renome opened for public
  • Clients organize social, cultural and art projects
  • Within 6 months all position are covered by every client (bartender, cook, cleaner, back office, agenda)
  • Creation of interactive theater play based on Theater Forum

What we offer

Work experience for 6 months as PTE
Balance diagnostic: what kind of job suits me the best
Social advisory
Mediation of a follow-up job
Bartender qualification, baristic qualification, requalification course – cook, waitress
Social development through preparation of theater play

Project goals

Creates social-cultural centre Renome and opened it for public
Integration of 24 clients on the labour market
Follow-up employment plus working habits

Primary prevention- 3 interactive plays, 12 performances focused on 720 people in similar situation as project clients

Theatre of women and men

Tripitaka o.s. is the recipient of the subsidy. The total budget: 156 000 EUR
Project started: 1.12.2012
Duration: 14 months
Opportunities: 10 PTE positions for single mothers for 6 months.
5 PTE implementation team

The main objectives of the project

Promoting equal opportunities between men and women in their family life an at work.

Complex support for single mothers facing difficult situations. Media used for spreading educative character: Czech National TV, Theatre Husa na Provázku, Press, Facebook

Breaking down gender stereotypes on the labor market and in the entire society.

Production of theatre for employers and organisations based on the theme of equal opportunities.

Produce and broadcast attractive educational series on TV in order to change general attittude and raise awareness in the Czech Republic

Key activities

Realization of the theatre performance where the main actors are our clients.

Monitoring and evaluation of the development of the personality and skills gained and helping clients facing temporary economic hardships.
Help to find employment via career developing.
The involvement and motivation of employers.

Festival Ghettofest

    Festival for everybody!
  • Placed in the heart of socially excluded part in the city of Brno
  • 2 succesfull years of festival 2012, 2013
  • “One day, One place, majority and minority togheter without prejudices”
  • Music, dance, performance, street art, drama,…

Project goals

We would like to setup and run a Social and Cultural Festival „Ghettofest“ in the socially isolated location known as the „Brno Bronx“ near the centre of Brno. This area is home to a variety of diverse cultures including representatives from Asia and Africa, around 5000 Roma, and Czech Moravians.

The majority of the population of Brno feel shut out of this area due to the high level of crime, reputation for elicit drug use and distribution, high unemployment and deteriorating buildings. The area has beautiful buildings from the 18 th and 19 th centuries built by the Jewish German middle class, but have since become dilapitated.

The hope is that these performances will open a dialog between and among the people of Brno dedicated to aleiving the issues of intolerance, racism, ghettoised neighbourhood life, and emphasize the positive aspects of the area, such as it's history and cultural diversity.

Gypsy Mama

  • Fashion mark

Connection of Gypsy history and actual fashion trends. (Hip Hop style, Street fashion,…)

Volunteers from the Roma community and fashion designers are involved 18 pieces of models were created so far and presented on Ghettofest and Open Space market

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